Sunday, April 19, 2009

February 22, 2009

"Become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid." -- Lady Bird Johnson

Mark is wasting no time in letting the Jews know that Jesus' presence in the world is a new beginning in salvation history. In this story of the paralytic, Mark portrays Jesus as doing what they believed only God can do. First, Jesus forgives the man's sins. In the Hebrew mind, only God can forgive sins and then only after confession, repentance and a sacrificial offering. Second, Jesus calls the man "son," again something only God can do. Third, Jesus reads the man's mind and heart. The Hebrews believed only God can do that also. And finally, Jesus heals the paralytic. Jesus is more than just a good man or a faith healer.

Jesus is exhibiting the love and forgiveness of God that is always available to us. When we know someone loves and forgives us, we breathe a sigh of relief; and we are healed. We in turn can forgive others. Forgiveness is 70% of the gospel stories, and mutual forgiveness is the only way we will have peace in our minds and hearts.

Lent starts Wednesday. While it is good discipline for ouselves to "give up something," we might do better to be like the friends of the paralytic in today's gospel and do what we can for each other. We can be aware and look for opportunities to lift someone's spirit or help in some way, having faith that our actions might heal and bring someone closer to God.

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