Sunday, April 19, 2009

February 15, 2009

"The greatest science in the world, in heaven and on earth, is love." -- Mother Teresa

The following is an excerpt from a meditation by Joyce Rupp

Containers of Divine Love
God of affection, devotion, passion, tenderness, and all forms of love, this day we thank you for the myriad ways that we have been given a touch of your goodness. We thank you for your many beneficent gestures: that draws us to friendship and fidelity, that leads us to kindness and compassion, that lures us toward the sacred and serene, that soothes our heartaches and gentles our pain, that sees worth in each human being, that believes in us and whispers with hope, that longs for peace among all humankind, that surprises and fills us with awe, that urges us to take risks and have courage, that embraces the shadow in us, that ripens our souls for the final journey home.
Source of Love, we offer thanks for how you are abiding in all of these forms of love. May the hearts we give and receive this Valentine's Day remind us of you, the One Great Heart, holding us all in the tenderness of your love.

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