Monday, November 24, 2008

November 9, 2008

"Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed." -- Storm Jameson

When we think of an an important church in Rome, we usually think of St. Peter's Basilica. This weekend we are celebrating the first "church" of Christianity --the Basilica of St. John Lateran. For the first 3 centuries, Christians gathered in their homes and/or large gathering places that someone had access to. When Emperor Constantine was converted in 313 A.D., persecutions stopped, and he made Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire. He gave a part of the Laterani palace to be used as the first public church of Christianity in 324. This church is called the mother church and is a symbol of the universality of our Catholic faith.

When the first Christians came together in someone's home, they were the "church." Each of them (and us) was given the Spirit at their baptisms. Jesus said whenever even 2 or 3 gather in his name, He is present. The important thing is that we do gather to celebrate the presence of God in our lives. We gather to console any who are suffering and be consoled if we are suffering. We gather to help and support each other, and then take God's message of hope and love to our homes, workplaces, schools and others in need. We are all works in progress by the 'master builder,' others who influence us and even ourselves. Let us pray that any contradiction or obstacle be removed so that God's grace can flow through us to our world.

"Life is a mixture of sin and grace, winter and summer, birth and death--and in the midst of it all we find meaning and richness and love. Something flows through life bringing light in spite of the darkness." (Living the Word, year A, Nov. 9, 2008)

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