Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 26, 2008

"Sometimes I think change is a good thing. Although it may be terrifying to get out of your comfort zone, it's also very exciting to start a new chapter in your life." -- Katie Couric

Jesus' message of love and forgiveness is simple but not easy for us human beings. But each time we choose love and forgiveness over hate and estrangement, we become closer to what God has intended for us from the beginning of creation. Growing into Jesus' way is a journey where we either take an opportunity to grow or not.

The Pharisee in this week's gospel knew the Law, which was the basis for the covenant between God and the Jewish people. the first 5 books of the Old Testament--Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy---were called the Torah or the Law. Most of what the people needed to know about being Jewish was found in those books. In addition to the Ten Commandments, the Jews had 613 principles or rules to obey. When the Pharisee asked Jesus what was the greatest commandment, Jesus chose to love God with all one's being from Deuteronomy and love of neighbor as one's self in Leviticus. He was telling the Pharisee and us that if we truly live these two, we will automatically live all the others.

Just as our physical maturing is a process, so is our spiritual growth. When we are young, we need rules to keep us alive; and when we mature, we learn the reasons for the rules and live them, but from a different understanding. So in our spiritual lives---when we are young, we need commandments and rules as guides. When we finally grow into God's love, we live by love of God and each other. Jesus was telling the Pharisee it was the beginning of a new time in salvation history--a new covenant in God's love.

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