Sunday, December 21, 2008

December 14, 2008

"Hope has two lovely daItalicughters, anger and courage. Anger so that what must not be cannot be, and courage so that what can be, will be." --- St. Augustine

Last Sunday as I sat in the auditorium listening to the Montrose Community Choir and musicians, I became aware how fortunate we are to be able to come together. There was music celebrating Jesus' birth and the usual holiday music. We had no fear that soldiers might assault us and tell us to disperse or be killed. With all the violence we see and hear in our world, we still have much to be thankful for.

This 3rd Sunday of Advent used to be called Gaudate Sunday, a time for rejoicing because the celebration of Jesus' birth was almost here. John the Baptist again this week is telling us to prepare the way for Jesus to come. How do we prepare our hearts for His coming? Several years ago I heard of a family who put an empty manger piece in a prominent place in their home. As each adult or child performed some act of kindness, a piece of straw was put in the manger so that by Christmas Eve, the manger was ready to receive the baby Jesus. We can prepare our hearts the same way.

A word about joy---joy is not the same as happiness. We can be happy or sad at times. The joy we have in knowing Christ is with us always. Mary K, a former MAHS teacher, said "Joy is like a river flowing underneath all that happens in our lives, no matter what is going on. We can reach down into that joy and be refreshed again and again." Gaudate is Latin for "rejoice," so let us prepare to celebrate with joyful hearts.

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