Saturday, November 29, 2008

November 23, 2008

"God has blessed each of us in different, beautiful and special ways. When we share ourselves with others, we give gifts of love, friendship, and caring. In this way we help feed the hungry, clothe the naked and comfort the lonely, and we become friends. When we do these things, we often find we are blessed as much as and perhaps more than those we help." --- Shirley Vogel

Today is the Feast of Christ the King. The idea of being governed by a king is foreign to us. In the first reading, the Israelites were disappointed with the lack of compassion shown by their kings. Jesus as king renounces all power, force, and arrogance and rules with truth and love. Jesus expects us to share with others the gifts He has given us without notice or boasting about what we have done.

This weekend is also the end of Cycle A, Matthew's gospel, and he is telling us emphatically how we will be judged at the end of our lives. Did we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those in prisons--not just jails but those who are homebound or ill? If we did, we are welcomed; if not, we are sent away. It's very clear. Jesus doesn't care about our fame, accomplishments, or our fortune. His question is "Did you follow me in helping people in need?"

As a parish, we do very well in our outreach ministries--social concerns, sleeping bags, Bread of Life Cafe, Angel Food Ministry, stuffing for the Christmas dinners, food in the cry room for the Food Bank, visitation in homes, Meadowview and Gracious Living, Jesse tree gifts, our prison ministry, etc. What are also important are the simple things we do each day with people we meet--a smile, a hug, a word of encouragement or praise to make their days a little brighter. As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, let us remind ourselves of all the people and way of life that we are thankful for and look for opportunities to bring joy to others.

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