Sunday, October 5, 2008

September 21,2008

"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are." --Max DePree

According to scripture scholars, Jesus' stories in the Bible have four levels. Let's look at our parable this week through these four layers.

First is the story itself. Jesus is telling his disciples that the "kingdom of heaven is like..." Right away that's a clue to what the story is about.

Second, for his story, Jesus is using life situations that the disciples would recognize. Apart from the method of payment, this scene was common in the marketplace of any Jewish village or town on any day when the September grape harvest was rushed to beat the fall rains that would be coming. Vineyard owners would welcome any worker, even if he had only an hour to give.

Third, what does this story tell us about God? Our God is generous and compassionate. God happily welcomes all who come to him, whether it is early in their lives or late. All people are equally precious to God.

Fourth, what does this story have to say to us? God's kingdom is a matter of gift and grace. We cannot earn it because God loves us so much it is already ours if we are open to receive it. We tend to impose on God the "quid pro quo" manner with which we do business. We want things fair. Life isn't always fair, but God's mercy is without measure. God's ways are not our ways.

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